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 Finance @TBS





"Let us help you improve your

Financial and business skills"

of the web site: Finance@TBS

   This web site offers courses that form a basis for your financial education, and remain a fundamental ingredient for further understanding of the field. It provides you with a very accurate insight into the nature of finance and finance-related issues.

  In other words, if you build solid foundations, building extra depth and sophistication will be relatively easier and more fun. If you are not a banking and finance student, and you do not intend to specialize in the field, these courses are still highly important and valuable. They teache you the very nature of finance and finance-related issues.

   As a management, marketing, human resources, or research and development manager, you will need to remind yourself that every issue you face will have a financial dimension, and without a basic understanding, your managerial talent could be at risk of being inefficient and wasteful.

      The courses provided by this website are designed to equip students with the tools they need to make their own financial decisions with greater skills and confidence.

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