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Finance @ TBS

>> Principles of Finance

>> Corporate Finance



1.Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend the school regularly and to attend all classes. Non-attendance or frequent absences may result a failing grade.  A student is allowed up to 3 absences per semester per course. Passed this number, he/she will not be permitted to take the final exam of that course. One absence is equivalent to an absence from a 3-hour class session.

Any absence during the exam results a grade of 0.

Punctuality: Students are expected to be on time for school and classes.

2.Class Structure

Classroom activities and the learning process in general can be greatly enriched through the active participation of students. It is expected that students will contribute continually to the learning outcomes of this course by attending all class sessions and bringing their textbooks, calculators, notes and pens (pencils) to bear on the lectures, discussions, and other classroom activities. Attendance and the quality of class participation will be taken into account in the final grade determination.  ​
As a courtesy to the class, mobile phones and pagers should be placed in such a mode that they will not disturb the class.


3.Course Withdrawal

Once the student is registered in a course, he cannot withdraw it.  However, the school may grant a special permission for a student to withdraw one or more courses under special conditions, such as long sickness, social problems, etc.

4.Work Habits

Students are expected to be prepared for and to participate in each class to meet performance standards, to have the necessary class materials, to complete class work and homework accurately and on time, and to prepare for quizzes, tests and examinations.

5.Team Work

Team members should depict which roles can be filled within a group (e.g., facilitator, team leader, summarizer, evaluator, mediator, encourager, recorder). They also should be aware of which role(s) they are best suited for. Hence, for successful teamwork, students should exhibit a high sense of cohesion. This means:

Openness: Teammates should be open to new ideas, diverse viewpoints, and the variety of individuals present within the group.

Support: Teammates view one another as collaborators, not as competitors. They demonstrate support for one another to achieve the assignment objectives.

Respect: Teammates must respectfully listen to their colleagues and consider opposing views. Further, they should effectively manage conflict around group differences.

6.Plagiarism and Cheating

“Plagiarism” shall be deemed to include:

  • Plagiarism of ideas as where an idea of an author or speaker is incorporated into the body of an assignment as though it were the writer’s idea, i.e. no credit is given the person through referencing or footnoting or endnoting.

  • Plagiarism of words occurs when phrases, sentences, tables or illustrations of an author or speaker are incorporated into the body of a writer’s own i.e. no quotations or indentations (depending on the format followed) are present but referencing or footnoting or endnoting.

  • Plagiarism of ideas and words as where words and an idea(s) of an author or speaker are incorporated into the body of a written assignment as though they were the writer’s own words and ideas, i.e. no quotation or indentations (depending on the format followed) are present but referencing or footnoting or end noting.

Cheating is the actual or attempted practice of fraudulent and/or deceptive acts for the purpose of gaining an unearned academic advantage. Typically, such acts occur in relation to examinations.

TBS takes a most serious view of offences against academic dishonesty such as plagiarism and cheating. Penalties for dealing with such offences will be strictly enforced.

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